Tenth Anniversary Event Honored Colorado’s
Top Scientists and Engineers
for Projects Having a Significant Impact on Society!
On October 4, 2018 we celebrated brilliant discoveries from the realms of clean energy chemistry, profound advances in disease diagnosis, astounding fundamental atomic physics shaping global nanotechnology and surprising results of "everyday" consumer activities affecting atmospheric pollution - our 10th Anniversary Awards event was incredible!
Our premier scientific research recognition event in Colorado saw 250 researchers, entrepreneurs, business leaders and government officials celebrate the exceptional and groundbreaking work of scientists and engineers from Colorado’s federally-funded research labs and institutes.
Presented By:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Metabolic biomarkers for improved diagnosis and prognosis
of early Lyme disease.
Revolutionizing ultrafast and nanoscale imaging through
the research and development of tabletop x-ray sources.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
A sustainable, elegant solution to produce cost-competitive acrylonitrile.
2018 Honorable Mention
Cooperative Institute for Research in the environmental Sciences
Consumer Products' Emissions - Pioneering work on growing emissions from consumer products improves scientific understanding of air pollution and benefits environmental regulation and policy.
Watch their Spotlight Videos - and say "WOW!"
See full details at the
2018 Governor's Awards for High-Impact Research Website
including nominations, press releases, photos and more

History of the Governor’s Awards for High Impact Research:
Started in 2009, the annual Governor's Awards for High-Impact Research celebrates the brilliant ground-breaking discoveries and innovative research from Colorado’s ecosystem of federally-funded laboratories and institutions. That year, following the creation of CO-LABS in 2007, Governor Bill Ritter suggested hosting a celebratory and spotlighting event; the various labs were prompted to submit nominations and a Selection Committee was convened of professional researchers, technologists, academics and economic development experts to identify remarkable research having “high impact” on society.
Each year at this event, CO-LABS spotlights the men and women creating our future through brilliant technological and engineering discoveries in aerospace, energy, agriculture, public health, weather prediction, wildlife ecology, communication, earth science and dozens of other fields of research right here in our communities. Over the years Colorado Governors Ritter and Hickenlooper have presented winners with these awards and comments recognizing their impact on our country's leadership in science.